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What is URL Encoding?

URL encoding is the process of converting special characters and reserved characters in a URL to their corresponding encoded representation.

This encoding is necessary to ensure that URLs remain valid and don't break when passed as parameters or used in various parts of a web application.

How to encode url in Javascript?

JavaScript provides a built-in function called encodeURIComponent() that performs URL encoding.

This function takes a string as input and returns a new string with all the necessary characters encoded. It ensures that characters like spaces, punctuation marks, and non-alphanumeric characters are appropriately encoded using percent encoding.

Example usage of encodeURIComponent() in JavaScript:

// Original string with special characters
var originalString = '';

// URL-encode the string
var encodedString = encodeURIComponent(originalString);

// Output the encoded string

The output would be:

How to decode url in Javascript?

To decode a URL-encoded string in JavaScript, you can use the decodeURIComponent() function. This function reverses the encoding process and converts the encoded characters back to their original form.

Example usage of decodeURIComponent() in JavaScript:

// Encoded string
var encodedString = '';

// URL-decode the string
var decodedString = decodeURIComponent(encodedString);

// Output the decoded string

The output would be:

Is there a tools to encode and decode url online?

Yes, there is:

We have develop a tools so that you can quickly test encoding or decoding your url parameters. Use it any time, in your convenience!